Mp3 Download song Any Given Sunday Soundtrack Fuck That FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Any Given Sunday Soundtrack song lyrics

Any Given Sunday Soundtrack - Fuck That Lyrics

Song: Kid Rock

[Kid Rock]
I sense danger, I'm a stranger
I'm feelin major torn, cause I wasn't born in a manger
And my anger has no outlet
-- so all day long I smoke that sess
I never rest, never sleep, I'm a freak
Too cheap to talk, and so I scream like "YAHHHHHHHH!!!"
And everything that you stand for hates us
But everything your soul needs it awaits us


Chorus: Kid Rock

So let's ride, not slide, let's mack
And if they say you can't go around her say FUCK THAT!
So let's ride, not slide, let's mack
And if they say you can't go around him say FUCK THAT!
So let's ride, not slide, let's mack
And if they say you can't come around here say FUCK THAT!
So let's ride, not slide, let's mack
And if they say you can't come around me say FUCK THAT!

[Kid Rock]
I sense danger, I'm a stranger
I'm feelin major torn, cause I wasn't born in a manger
I feel funny, and I smell like sex
-- but in my heart I have no regrets
So let's roll, pay your toll, get soul
Let me know, uphold, smoke a bowl like *SNIFFFFFF*
Cause everything that you stand for hates us
But everything your soul needs it awaits us


{*guitar solo*}

[Kid Rock]
I see lights in my sights but they look dim
I never backed out or cracked out but I look thin
I wanna fight for the right but I'm wrong
-- say you love me, now I'm gone
I never rest, never sleep, I'm a freak
Too cheap to talk, and so I shut up like {*guitar riff*}
And everything that you stand for hates us
But everything your soul needs it awaits us


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